... it bought flash-backs of a special night out (to celebrate naomi's one year anniversary/ weddign) where our restaurant/ building "burned down"... 'firemen' came... and we escaped with a bottle of wine, glasses, and a jug ...

2. while KW (shoe impresario) & J were eating a slimming lunch of sushi and enjoying the sunshine - this man came to our alarmed attention 

he was, at first glance, just enjoying the last of the london indian summer*, however much to our shock and frankly those around us (although the cute boy in coloured socks just napped soundly next door), he proceeded to flex his "pecs" and remonstrate** his availability to those who might be passing by…
the fact that he put his leather shirt back on as we left the square only served to hint that his work was done and that he had in fact not pulled
*this only lasted two hours and indicates temperature not ethnic origin. other commonly used phrases include “indian giver”
**word of the day
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