while walking to arts club last wednesday eve (http://www.nottinghillartsclub.com/wednesday.html) i spotted what i thought was a muslim women with a most attractive red coloured head covering (and black pleather bike pants). i was confused - something didn’t add up… however, as i got closer, i came to realise that the women had a striking resemblance to little red riding hood** (or what i imagine little red riding hood to look like when she got older)
i followed her (discretely of course) to her residence. it appears that, like other stars and good looking people, she has taken refuge and now lives in w210
as you are well aware (from our other blog entries), we try our hardest to ensure all we report on is as factual as possible. to that end, we spoke to the most intelligent person we know, mrs s strawberry (she is a chief executive). we showed her a pic of red ridding hood in her hay day (english saying meaning peak of her career), and the photo i took. as you are undoubtly thinking, the evidence speaks for itself

** for the foreign followers of the blog, red riding hood is a fable about greed, vengeance and seduction made famous in the 80’s. originally, it bought comfort to lots of french children (of peasants) in the 14th century. numerous versions of the story existed, including ‘la finta nonna’ … which translates into ‘the false grandmother’
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