i really enjoy reading your blog. i find it both educational and witty. i am a big fan
in order not to miss out, i subscribed with my rss* feed thing. however, it hasn't lit up with a new post in a looooooooooong time. can you please check with your IT department to confirm if there is a problem with the rss feed
dear MD,
thank you for bringing this to our attention. we have checked with the IT guys from my work, and they assured me that the rss feed is working. in saying that, we received the following correspondence from another fan which made us think...

kindest regards
*an rss (which is an acronym for a really simply syndication) is part of a family of web feed formats used to publish regularly updated works ... such as blog entries, news headlines etc. in a standardised format. if you are interested in getting one, please get in touch and we will forward your query to MD
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