this particular incident took place on the number 23 bus at approximately 2000 hours (8pm) on the way home last night. it would have been good if T was there - she has been working out and her guns would've come in handy (but she wasn't)

just before mon derriere hit the seat he asked ‘would you like the window seat? … you get a better view’
i believe that in every instance/ aspect of life/ interaction/ situation/ you come across an exit point. a lot of the time, it’s not obvious …but the opportunity is there
in this case – that should’ve been my exit point… but instead, i replied:
‘no thanks’ (clearly i don’t catch the bus for the scenery)
i sat in the seat (trying to minimise the space i took up)
he proceeded to listen to some (from what i could hear) rap music… then he started singing
i might've flinched/ the evil thoughts must’ve somehow come through my usually controlled facial expressions
i think he missunderstood and thought it was an invitation to speak again... as he asked if i wanted to listen to some music? (and catch an STD?!) i thought
‘no thanks’ came the reply
he looked at me… like a concerned parent looks at a child who wants to eat a worm... ‘are you ok?’
(am I OK???)
‘i’ve had a rough day’ i found myself saying
as he attempted to touch my shoulder … my life flashed before my eyes… i got off the bus (3 stops early) and ran home
it made me think, among other things, that there are more special/ different people out there than we think... and that perhaps not all statistics/ claims can be trusted
it made me think, among other things, that there are more special/ different people out there than we think... and that perhaps not all statistics/ claims can be trusted
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