just like so many things in life, synthetic leather pants seem like a brilliant idea on paper. not only do they look like leather, but they are also a fraction of the price. it’s a no brainer really…
however, your mother was right - you really do get what you pay for. there is no small print/ or handle with care instructions on these puppies… so here are two thoughts for your consideration;
they are not easy to put on; they take an average of 4 to 5 minutes to squeeze into. this process might get faster given time, but cannot be guaranteed. so, try not to have too many cups of coffee/ tea. this will only lead to you spending more time in the work toilet cubical.. which just looks weird to colleagues - who do not know the challenges of pleather and the complexity that is life
also, there is a very high possibility that you will in fact get stuck to other leather look or real leather upholstery. luckily when i got stuck to the high chair i was sitting on for 40 min, i was having lunch with KW, a close friend, who was able to laugh with me about this most mortifying experience