in all my years as an adult female, no one has ever confirmed who ‘they’ are, but they seem to be very opinionated and generally get things right. i would like to caution followers, readers and admirers of the blog, that as with most things, there will be a margin of error attached to the proverbs.. my educated guess would be that it’s c. +/- 8.6%
the below sentences are beneficial to use when talking to educated, well read and intelligent people. not all will roll off the tongue, so may we suggest you practice first in the privacy of your own home
the fat are getting fatter, and if the skinny hang out with the obese, they too get fat
the brown are getting browner, and the white are never allowed on the balcony
it is better to have loved and lost, than to marry the psycho
strike while the iron is hot
only real friends tell you when your face is ugly
safety in numbers
a pavlova takes about 2 hours to bake (from scratch)
unless you're looking for a beating, don't go through an estate wearing cord pants or cream chinos accessorised with a pinkie ring
only 1.6% of the population suffers from ME - commonly known as Myalgic Encephalopathy